Convert an sf object containing features with LINESTRING geometry to a landscape network (LSN), which is a topological data model of streams/rivers represented as a directional graph embedded in 2-D geographic space. Relationship tables are created and topological relationships are checked.

  snap_tolerance = 0,
  topo_tolerance = 0,
  check_topology = TRUE,
  remove_ZM = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



An sf object with LINESTRING geometry representing streams.


Pathname to a directory in character format specifying where to store the outputs. The directory will be created if it does not already exist.


Distance in map units. Two nodes separated by a distance less than or equal to snap_tolerance are assumed to be connected. Defaults to 0.


Distance in map units. Only used if check_topology = TRUE. Two nodes on the network separated by a distance less than or equal to topo_tolerance are flagged as potential topological errors in the network. Defaults to 0.


Logical. If TRUE, the edges will be checked for topological errors and potential node errors will be flagged in an output file called node_errors.gpkg. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical. If TRUE, Z and M dimensions are removed from streams, if they exist. Default is FALSE.


Logical. If TRUE, output files will overwrite existing files with the same names. If FALSE and files sharing the same names as the outputs exist in the lsn_path, the function will exit early with an error.


Logical. If TRUE, messages describing function progress will be printed to the console. Default is TRUE.


An sf object representing edges in the LSN. The LSN, including edges.gpkg, nodes.gpkg, nodexy.csv, noderelationships.csv, and relationships.csv files, are saved locally to a directory defined by lsn_path. If check_topology = TRUE and topological errors are identified, then node_errors.gpkg is also saved to lsn_path.


lines_to_lsn converts an sf object representing streams to a landscape network (LSN), which is a directional graph used to represent the topological and geographic relationships between line features, along with additional attribute information. streams must have LINESTRING geometry and a projected coordinate system, rather than geographic coordinate system (i.e. not Longitude and Latitude).

The LSN is saved to a local directory defined by lsn_path and has 5 components:

  • nodes.gpkg: A GeoPackage of features with POINT geometry representing topologic breaks in the stream network such as pseudonodes, confluences, stream sources, or stream outlets. A column containing a unique node identifier, pointid, is included.

  • edges.gpkg: A GeoPackage of features with LINESTRING geometry representing flow paths (i.e. line features) from node to node. A new column named rid is added that contains a unique identifier for each line feature.

  • nodexy.csv: a table with three columns: the pointid (unique node identifier), and the x-, y-coordinates for each node.

  • noderelationships.csv: a table describing the relationship between the nodes and their associated edges, as well as directionality in the LSN. The table contains three columns: the rid (for each edge), fromnode (pointid for the upstream node of each edge), and tonode (pointid for the downstream node of each edge). Directionality is defined based on the digitized direction of the line features.

  • relationships.csv: a table representing the downstream flow path from edge to edge. The table contains two columns: fromedge (upstream edge) and toedge (downstream edge).

Topological errors are common in spatial data and must be corrected to ensure that the LSN accurately represents direction and connectivity within the stream network. When check_topology = TRUE, the edges are checked for topological errors. Two nodes on the network separated by a distance less than or equal to topo_tolerance are flagged as potential topological errors in the network saved in an output file called node_errors.gpkg, which is also saved to lsn_path. In addition to the pointid, node_errors.gpkg contains a column containing the node class (nodecat), which can take on values of Pseudonode, Confluence, Source, or Outlet. A second column (error) defines the potential error type and can take on values of Complex Confluence, Converging Node, Dangling Node, Intersection Without Node, Downstream Divergence and Unsnapped Node. The nodecat column is also added to nodes.gpkg. A node_errors.gpkg file is not produced if no obvious errors are identified. There is no guarantee that all topological errors will be identified and included in node_errors.gpkg. Therefore, potential errors and node classes found in node_errors.gpkg and nodes.gpkg must be checked in a GIS and topological errors in streams corrected before rebuilding the LSN using lines_to_lsn(). This process is iterative and must continue until the LSN is free of topological errors.