is an sf
object with LINESTRING geometry representing a subset of
streams and rivers in the Middle Fork Basin, Idaho, USA.
An object of class sf
(inherits from data.frame
) with 163 rows and 10 columns.
are a modified version of the United States
National Hydrography Dataset
The sf data.frame
contains a set of 163 features and 9 columns:
COMID: Common identifier of an NHD feature or relationship
GNIS_NAME: Feature name as found in the Geographic Names Information System
REACHCODE: Unique identifier for a reach. The first 8 digits contain the identifier for the HUC8 and the last 6 digits are a unique within-HUC8 identifier for the reach
FTYPE: three-digit integer used to classify hydrography features in the NHD and define subtypes
FCODE: Numeric code that contains the feature type and its attributes as found in the NHDFCode lookup table
AREAWTMAP: Area weighted mean annual precipitation (mm) at the lowermost location on the edge
SLOPE: Slope of the edge (cm/cm)
rcaAreaKm2: Reach contributing area (km2), which is the land area draining directly into each line segment.
h2oAreaKm2: Watershed area (km2) for the lowermost location (downstream end node) on the line segment