MF_pred1km is an sf object with POINT geometry representing prediction locations and covariates distributed at 1km intervals throughout the Middle Fork Basin, Idaho, USA.



An object of class sf (inherits from data.frame) with 175 rows and 10 columns.


MF_pred1km are unpublished United States Forest Service data.


The sf data.frame contains 175 point features and 8 columns:

  • COMID: Common identifier of an NHD feature or relationship

  • Cumulative drainage area (km2) for the downstream node of the edge the site resides on

  • AREAWTMAP: Area weighted mean annual precipitation (mm) at lowermost location on the line segment where the site resides

  • SLOPE: Slope of the line segment (cm/cm) where the site resides

  • ELEV_DEM: Elevation at the site based on a 30m DEM

  • Source: Source of the data - relates to the ID field of the source table

  • FlowCMS: Average stream flow (cubic meters per sec) for August, by year, from 1950-2010 across 9 USGS gauges in the region

  • AirMEANc: Average mean air temperature (C) from July 15 - August 31, from 1980-2009 across 10 COOP air stations within the domain

  • AirMWMTc: Average maximum air temperature (C) from July 15 - August 31, from 1980-2009 across 10 COOP air stations within the domain. MWMT = maximum 7-day moving average of the maximum daily temperature (i.e. maximum of all the 7-day maximums)

  • rcaAreaKm2: Reach contributing area (km2) for the downstream node of the edge feature the site resides on. RCA area is the land area draining directly into each line segment.

  • h2oAreaKm2: Watershed area (km2) for the downstream node of the edge feature the site resides on